wat do u do wen u r depressed? Der r sum moments in ur life wen u feel so dejected n depressed n u dnt knw d reason y. I have such a situation many a times in my lyf. Der r sum moments even wen der is no one to support u at dat tym. Dats wen it hurts d most. Cryin myself to bed is wat i do in most of such situation n i curse myself for things which i shouldnt hv done. D only company i hv at dat tym is my teddy. I hug him n get a bit of relief though my pain still remains. N i pray to God wat wrong had i done dat he is doing dis to me.
But den i realise dat no i hv to survive ol dis n make myself strong. Thinking positive is wat it helps sumtyms. Watevr may it b i just dont understand y human lyf is so much complex y we r nt lyk other animals living a tension free lyf?
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